Cross Cutting Issues
Cross-cutting issues are topics that are identified as important and that affect and cut across most or all aspects of development. These topics should therefore be integrated and mainstreamed throughout all stages of development from policy design, to implementation, evaluation and learning. Cross cutting issues are related to very important aspects related to overall development of the students such as Professional Ethics, Gender Equality, Human Values, Environment and sustainability etc. Institute follows the curriculum prescribed by Savitribai Phule Pune University. Institute curriculum effectively integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment, and Sustainability and leads to a strong value-based holistic development of students. Various activities are organized throughout the year as part of the curriculum that helps in this endeavor. Under the supervision of the department associations, different cells and NSS, all departments engage in various above-and-beyond activities pertaining to crosscutting concerns. Here are some steps that taken to ensure that these issues are integrated into the curriculum:
- Define Learning Outcomes
- Curriculum mapping
- Incorporate Case Studies
- Create Experiential Learning Opportunities
- Conduction of co curricular and extracurricular activities
- Organizing various Workshops/Seminars