Research Projects & Funding

S.N. Academic Year Project Title Funding Agency No of Years Amount PI & CO PI



E-Waste Management Locator Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell, IEDC, Nasik 1 year 335000/- Dr. K.C. Nalavade

Mr. V.V. Mahale

Ms.N.R. Hiray

2. Smart Road Damage Detection and real time alarm System Anisha Builders and DevelopersPvt. Ltd 1 year 286000/- Dr. K.C. Nalavade

Mr. Y.S. Gite

Ms.Snehal Dongare

3. Real time Disease Diagnosis in crop Reto Labs Pvt Ltd 1.5 year 460000/- Dr. K.C. Nalavade

Mr. M. V. Korade




ERP based faculty feedback analysis and action recommendation system Carrot Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


1.5 years 374000/- Dr. K.C. Nalavade

Mr. M. V.Korade

5. Navigation System for Internal usage in the organization Innovation and Entrepreneureship Development Cell, IEDC 1 year 175000/- Mr. M.V. Korade

Mr.P. R. Kulkarni

6. 2020-21 IOT based soil Analysis and recommendation Navnath Foundation 6 moths 152000/- Dr.K.C.Nalavade

Mr. Mahesh Korade

7. Automation in assembly line at production department GIZ NIMA Projects 300000.00
8. 2017-18 Equipment Grant BCUD, SPPU 100000/- Dr. K.C. Nalavade
9. 2017-18 Underwater Sensor Network to Monitor unauthorized access in Indian Sea using WSN BCUD, SPPU, 2 years 81000/- Mr. A. R. Gaidhani
10. 2017-18 IOT based LAB Automation BCUD SPPU Pune 1Year 1,10,000/- Prof. U. B. Pawar

Prof. Mr. M. V. Korade


11. 2016-17 Highly Protect Source Location Privacy against hotspot locating attack in WSN ISRO 1 Year 100000/- Mr. A. R. Gaidhani

Mr. P.R. Kulkarni