- Paper Title: Recent Wind Energy Scenario in India
Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICGESD-20)
- Paper Title: Energy Audit of Educational Institute – A Case Study
Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICGESD-20)
- Paper Title: Installation of Solar Power Plant – A Case Study
Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICGESD-20)
- Paper Title: Power Electronic Converters for Wind Energy Conversion System
Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICGESD-20)
- Paper Title: Mitigation of flicker in a distribution-connected wind farm with STATCOM
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017 DOI: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389844.
- Paper Title: Power supply design for Magnetron power source from single phase supply
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy Systems and Applications, 2015,DOI: 10.1109/ICESA.2015.7503409
- Paper Title: Design of Magnetron power source from three phase supply
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy Systems and Applications, 2015 DOI: 10.1109/ICESA.2015.7503410
- Paper Title: Recent Control and Integration Issue of Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Microgrid: A Review
Conference Name: International Conference on Innovative Trends and Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICITAET), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019.9170223.
- Paper Title: Energy audit of Boys Hostel-SF
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: Optimal utilization of UPQC During voltage sag and steady state using Particle Swarm Optimization
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: IOT based Smart water meter
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: Automatic Lift Disinfection
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: IoT based electric pole safety system
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: Fully Automatic Veggie Washer Using Ozone Disinfectant
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: A new approach for autonomous waste garbage management for smart cities or metro cities
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: Electric Vehicle Charging Station and Automatic Billing System
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: Designs of an Effective Smart Walking Stick for Visually Disabled
Conference Name: IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICECCT.2019.8869412.
- Paper Title : Electrostatic Analysis of Partial Discharge within Solid Dielectric Material
Conference Name: 5th IEEE Conference on Electrical Energy Systems, Chennai, 2019
- Paper Title: Provident Headlamps Technology for Electric Vehicles
Conference Name: 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2020 DOI: 10.1109/ICCCI48352.2020.9104158.
- Paper Title:Statistical analysis & comparison of HTLS conductor with conventional ACSR conductor
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755241.
- Paper Title: A study of MPPT schemes in PMSG based wind turbine system
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7754827.
- Paper Title: Performance comparison of PI & ANN based STATCOM for 132 KV transmission line
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755191.
- Paper Title: Design and Development of Automated Smart Socket for Wi-Fi Users
Conference Name: 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), 2020,DOI: 10.1109/ICICT48043.2020.9112510.
- Paper Title: Performance comparison of PI & ANN based STATCOM for 132 KV transmission line
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755191.
- Paper Title: IOT based Smart water paper
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
- Paper Title: IoT based electric pole safety system
Conference Name: International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-2021
Paper Title: Machine Learning based Clustering for Identifying Power Quality Events
Conference Name: IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033785
- Paper Title: Analysis and Suppression of Harmonics in Cascaded-Multilevel-Inverter-Based Large Induction Motor Drives System
Conference Name: International Conference on contents, computing and communication, 2017
- Paper Title: Optimization of Switches in Power Conditioner for Harmonic Compensation and Sag Mitigation
Conference Name: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control, 2017
- Paper Title: Current Harmonics Compensation and Voltage Sag Mitigation using Eight Switch Power Conditioner
Conference Name: International conference on Advanced Trends in Engineering (ICATE) 2017
- Paper Title: Designs of an Effective Smart Walking Stick for Visually Disabled
Conference Name: IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICECCT.2019.8869412.
- Paper Title: Analysis of layer insulation of cast resin transformer using FEM technique
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7754816.
- Paper Title: Design and optimization of inter-coil insulation system of a Cast resin transformer using FEM
Conference Name: 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755225.
- Paper Title: Electrostatic Analysis of Partial Discharge within Solid Dielectric Material
Conference Name: 5th IEEE Conference on Electrical Energy Systems, Chennai, 2019
- Paper Title: Performance comparison of PI & ANN based STATCOM for 132 KV transmission line
Conference Name: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755191.
- Paper Title: Floating Solar Plant
Conference Name: 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2018 DOI: 10.1109/I2CT.2018.8529479
- Paper Title: Unintentional islanding detection in microgrid,
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017 DOI: 10.1109/ICECDS.2017.8389907.
- Paper Title: Power Quality Improvement by using DVR
Conference Name: International Conference on Contents, Computing and Communication (ICCCC), 2017
- Paper Title: Power Quality Improvement by using DVR by Energy Optimal Technique
Conference Name: International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM), 2017
- Paper Title: Power supply design for Magnetron power source from single phase supply
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy Systems and Applications, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ICESA.2015.7503409
- Paper Title: Design of Magnetron power source from three phase supply
Conference Name: International Conference on Energy Systems and Applications, 2015 DOI: 10.1109/ICESA.2015.7503410.
- Paper Title: Recent Control and Integration Issue of Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Microgrid: A Review
Conference Name: International Conference on Innovative Trends and Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICITAET), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019.9170223
- Paper Title: Recent Control and Integration Issue of Distributed Energy Resources in Smart Microgrid: A Review
Conference Name: International Conference on Innovative Trends and Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICITAET), 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ICITAET47105.2019.9170223
- Paper Title: Performance comparison of PI & ANN based STATCOM for 132 KV transmission line
Conference Name:International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), 2016 DOI: 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7755191