Civil Engineering

HOD Civil Engineering

Bharat Nandkumar Mulay
Department Of Civil Engineering
+91 8600038809

Civil Engineering

The Department was initiated in 2010 and offers undergraduate course in Civil Engineering with intake of 120 students only. We have well equipped laboratories which adequately fulfills the requirements of the undergraduate course . The department has a team of highly qualified & well experienced, dedicated faculty members, who strive to give their 100 percent. The department has 14 laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment’s armed with the recent software’s highly demanded by the employers. The department adopts a positive approach to instill flexible and innovative learning opportunities to students enabling them to build great careers confidently.


To serve the society at large by state of the art engineering education to develop attitudes, skills, values while establishing centre of excellence.


The mission of department is to be a premier value based department committed to excellence in preparing students for success in the engineering and technology professions through research, experienced based instructions under the direction of a highly qualified and customer oriented faculty and staff.

Branch Year PEOs
Civil Engineering PEO1 Graduates of the program will possess strong fundamentals in applied sciences and basic civil engineering.
PEO2 Graduates of the program will possess knowledge and cutting edge skillsets to deal complex problems of various domains of civil engineering with traditional and innovative approaches.
PEO3 Graduates of the program will be nurtured with all skills to become a post graduate, a researcher, entrepreneur, and bureaucrat.
PEO4 Graduates of the program will be highly committed towards ethical practices, societal contributions through communities and life-long learning.
PEO5 Graduates of the program will be industry ready technocrat with interpersonal, intrapersonal and managerial skills.
Branch Year   POs
Civil Engineering PO1 Graduates will be able to apply basic knowledge to identify, define and classify various civil engineering systems.
PO2 Graduates will be able to identify, formulate, review and solve civil engineering problems.
PO3 Graduates, after analyzing the problem, will be capable to design the system within the limits of sustainability and various constraints to overcome flaws.
PO4 Graduates will be able to handle complex situations either under supervision or solely.
PO5 With due input, graduate will be capable to simplistically handle all cutting edge technologies, tools and equipment.
PO6 With inculcated interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, graduate will emerge as an ideal socio-technocrat.
PO7 Being molded to cope up with environmental and sustainability issues, graduate will follow ecofriendly and sustainable approaches.
PO8 Graduates will be motivated throughout the stay in course and will follow ethical practices.
PO9 Individual and team work: Graduate will utilize various platforms provided and will develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
PO10 Graduates will develop vocal and written communications skills and will exhibit it during the entire course completion at different levels
PO11 Graduates will acquire various managerial skills and same will be displayed during tenure of course.
PO12 Graduates will be curious and thirsty for the frontline knowledge in the field and will continue the lifelong learning to keep himself globally competent.
Branch Year Subject And COs








Civil Engineering

SE Sem I 201001 Building Technology and Architectural Planning
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 identify types of building and basic requirements of building components.
CO2 Make use of Architectural Principles and Building byelaws for building construction.
CO3 Plan effectively various types of Residential Building forms according to their utility,
functions with reference to National Building Code
CO4 Plan effectively various types of Public Buildings according to their utility functions with
reference to National Building Code.
CO5 Make use of Principles of Planning in Town Planning, Different Villages and Safety aspects
CO6 Understand different services and safety aspects
  201002 Mechanics of Structures
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand concept of stress-strain and determine different types of stress, strain in determinate,
indeterminate homogeneous and composite structures.
CO2 Calculate shear force and bending moment in determinate beams for different loading conditions
and illustrate shear force and bending moment diagram.
CO3 Explain the concept of shear and bending stresses in beams and demonstrate shear and bending
stress distribution diagram.
CO4 Use theory of torsion to determine the stresses in circular shaft and understand concept of
Principal stresses and strains.
CO5 Analyze axially loaded and eccentrically loaded column.
CO6 Determine the slopes and deflection of determinate beams and trusses.
  201003 : Fluid Mechanics
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the use of Fluid Properties, concept of Fluid statics, basic equation of
Hydrostatics, measurement of fluid pressure, buoyancy & floatation and its application for
solving practical problems
CO2 Understand the concept of fluid kinematics with reference to Continuity equation and fluid
dynamics with reference to Modified Bernoulli’s equation and its application to practical
problems of fluid flow
CO3 Understand the concept of Dimensional analysis using Buckingham’s π theorem, Similarity &
Model Laws and boundary layer theory and apply it for solving practical problems of fluid
CO4 Understand the concept of laminar and turbulent flow and flow through pipes and its
application to determine major and minor losses and analyze pipe network using Hardy Cross
CO5 Understand the concept of open channel flow, uniform flow and depth-Energy relationships
in open channel flow and make the use of Chezy’s and Manning’s formulae for uniform flow
computation and design of most economical channel section
CO6 Understand the concept of gradually varied flow in open channel and fluid flow around
submerged objects, compute GVF profile and calculate drag and lift force on fully submerged
  207001 Engineering Mathematics III
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Solve Higher order linear differential equations and its applications to modelling and
analysing Civil engineering problems such as bending of beams, whirling of shafts and mass
spring systems.
CO2 Solve System of linear equations using direct & iterative numerical techniques and develop
solutions for ordinary differential equations using single step & multistep methods applied to
hydraulics, geotechnics and structural systems.
CO3 Apply Statistical methods like correlation, regression and probability theory in data analysis
and predictions in civil engineering.
CO4 Perform Vector differentiation &integration, analyze the vector fields and apply to fluid flow
CO5 Solve Partial differential equations such as wave equation, one and two dimensional heat flow
  207003 Engineering Geology
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Explain about the basic concepts of engineering geology, various rocks, and minerals both in
lab and on the fields and their inherent characteristics and their uses in civil engineering
CO2 Exploring the importance of mass wasting processes and various tectonic processes that
hampers the design of civil engineering projects and its implications on environment and
CO3 Recognize effect of plate tectonics, structural geology and their significance and utility in
civil engineering activities
CO4 Incorporate the various methods of survey, to evaluate and interpret geological nature of the
rocks present at the foundations of the dams, percolation tanks, tunnels and to infer site /
alignment/ level free from geological defects
CO5 Assess the Importance of geological nature of the site, precautions and treatments to improve
the site conditions for dams, reservoirs, and tunnels.
CO6 Explain geological hazards and importance of ground water and uses of common building
  Awareness to Civil Engineering Practices  Audit Course I
Co. No. Audit Course I
CO1 Describe functioning/working of different types of industries/sectors in Civil Engineering
CO2 Describe drawings and documents required and used in different Civil Engineering works
CO3 Understand the importance of Code of Ethics to be practiced by a Civil Engineer and also
understand the duties and responsibilities as a Civil Engineer
CO4 Understand different health and safety practices on the site.
SE Sem II   201008 Geotechnical Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify and classify the soil based on the index properties and its formation process
CO2 Explain permeability and seepage analysis of soil by construction of flow net.
CO3 Illustrate the effect of compaction on soil and understand the basics of stress distribution
CO4 Express shear strength of soil and its measurement under various drainage conditions.
CO5 Evaluate the earth pressure due to backfill on retaining structures by using different theories.
CO6 Analysis of stability of slopes for different types of soils.
  201009 Surveying
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Define and Explain basics of plane surveying and differentiate the instruments used for it.
CO2 Express proficiency in handling surveying equipment and analyse the surveying data from these
CO3 Describe different methods of surveying and find relative positions of points on the surface of
CO4 Execute curve setting for civil engineering projects such as roads, railways etc.
CO5 Articulate advancements in surveying such as space based positioning systems
  201010 Concrete Technology
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Able to select the various ingredients of concrete and its suitable proportion to achieved desired
CO2 Able to check the properties of concrete in fresh and hardened state
CO3 Get acquainted to concreting equipments, techniques and different types of special concrete.
CO4 Able to predict deteriorations in concrete and get acquainted to various repairing methods and
  201011: Structural Analysis
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the basic concept of static and kinematic indeterminacy and analysis of
indeterminate beams
CO2 Analyze redundant trusses and able to perform approximate analysis of multi-story multi-bay
CO3 Implement application of the slope deflection method to beams and portal frames
CO4 Analyze beams and portal frames using moment distribution method.
CO5 Determine response of beams and portal frames using structure approach of stiffness matrix
CO6 Apply the concepts of plastic analysis in the analysis of steel structures
  201012 Project Management
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Describe project life cycle and the domains of Project Management.
CO2 Explain networking methods and their applications in planning and management
CO3 Categorize the materials as per their annual usage and also Calculate production rate of
construction equipment
CO4 Demonstrates resource allocation techniques and apply it for manpower planning.
CO5 Understand economical terms and different laws associated with project management
CO6 Apply the methods of project selection and recommend the best economical project.
  201017 Project Based Learning
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Identify the community/ practical/ societal needs and convert the idea into a product/ process/
CO2 Analyse and design the physical/ mathematical/ ICT model in order to solve identified
CO3 Create, work in team and applying the solution in practical way to specific problem
TE Sem-I   301001: Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand government organizations, apply & analyze precipitation & its abstractions
CO2 Understand, apply & analyze runoff, runoff hydrographs and gauging of streams
CO3 Understand, apply & analyze floods, hydrologic routing & Q-GIS software in hydrology.
CO4 Understand, apply & analyze reservoir planning, capacity of reservoir & reservoir
CO5 Understand water logging & water management, apply & analyze ground water
CO6 Understand irrigation, piped distribution network and canal revenue, apply and analyze
crop water requirement
  301002: Water Supply Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Define identify, describe reliability of water sources, estimate water requirement for
various sectors
CO2 Ascertain and interpret water treatment method required to be adopted with respect to
source and raw water characteristics
CO3 Design various components of water treatment plant and distribution system
CO4 Understand and compare contemporary issues and advanced treatment operations and
process available in the market, including packaged water treatment plants.
CO5 Design elevated service reservoir capacity and understand the rainwater harvesting
CO6 Understand the requirement of water treatment plant for infrastructure and Government
  301003: Design of Steel Structures
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Demonstrate knowledge about the types of steel structures, steel code provisions and
design of the adequate steel section subjected to tensile force.
CO2 Determine the adequate steel section subjected to compression load and design of built
up columns along with lacing and battening
CO3 Design eccentrically loaded column for section strength and column bases for axial load
and uniaxial bending.
CO4 Design of laterally restrained and unrestrained beam with and without flange plate using
rolled steel section.
CO5 Analyze the industrial truss for dead, live and wind load and design of gantry girder for
moving load.
CO6 Understand the role of components of welded plate girder and design cross section for
welded plate girder including stiffeners and its connections.
301004: Engineering Economics and Financial Management
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand basics of construction economics
CO2 Develop an understanding of financial management in civil engineering projects
CO3 Prepare and analyze the contract account
CO4 Decide on right source of fund for construction projects
CO5 Understand working capital and its estimation for civil engineering projects
CO6 Illustrate the importance of tax planning & understand role of financial regulatory bodies
  301005 c: Elective I: Construction Management
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the overview of construction sector.
CO2 Illustrate construction scheduling, work study and work measurement
CO3 Acquaint various labor laws and financial aspects of construction projects.
CO4 Explain elements of risk management and value engineering.
CO5 State material and human resource management techniques in construction.
CO6 Understand basics of artificial intelligence techniques in civil engineering.
  301006: Seminar
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Appraise the current civil engineering research / techniques / developments /
interdisciplinary areas
CO2 Review and organize literature survey utilizing technical resources, journals etc
CO3 Evaluate and draw conclusions related to technical content studied.
CO4 Demonstrate the ability to perform critical writing by preparing a technical report.
CO5 Develop technical writing and presentation skills.
TE Sem-II   301012: Waste Water Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Recall sanitation infrastructure, quantification and characterization of wastewater,
natural purification of streams
CO2 Design preliminary and primary unit operations in waste water treatment plant
CO3 Understand theory and mechanism of aerobic biological treatment system and to design
activated sludge process
CO4 Understand and design suspended and attached growth wastewater treatment systems
CO5 Explain and apply concept of contaminant removal by anaerobic, tertiary and emerging
wastewater treatment systems
CO6 Compare various sludge management systems and explain the potential of recycle and
reuse of wastewater treatment
  301013: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Apply relevant IS provisions to ensure safety and serviceability of structures, understand
the design philosophies and behavior of materials: steel & concrete.
CO2 Recognize mode of failure as per LSM and evaluate moment of resistance for singly,
doubly rectangular, and flanged sections
CO3 Design & detailing of rectangular one way and two-way slab with different boundary
CO4 Design & detailing of dog legged and open well staircase
CO5 Design & detailing of singly/doubly rectangular/flanged beams for flexure, shear, bond
and torsion.
CO6 Design & detailing of short columns subjected to axial load, uni-axial/bi-axial bending
and their footings.
  301014: Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Articulate fundamentals and principles of RS techniques.
CO2 Demonstrate the knowledge of remote sensing and sensor characteristics
CO3 Distinguish working of various spaces-based positioning systems
CO4 Analyze the RS data and image processing to utilize in civil engineering
CO5 Explain fundamentals and applications of RS and GIS
CO6 Acquire skills of data processing and its applications using GIS
  301015 e: Elective II: Architecture and Town Planning
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Apply the principles of architectural planning and landscaping for improving quality of
CO2 Understand the confronting issues of the area and apply the acts.
CO3 Evaluate and defend the proposals
CO4 Appraise the existing condition and to develop the area for betterment
  301016: Internship
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 To develop professional competence through industry internship
CO2 To apply academic knowledge in a personal and professional environment
CO3 To build the professional network and expose students to future employees
CO4 Apply professional and societal ethics in their day to day life
CO5 To become a responsible professional having social, economic and administrative
CO6 To make own career goals and personal aspirations
  301021 a: Audit Course II: Leadership and Personality Development
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Enhanced holistic development of students and improve their employability skills.
BE Sem-I   401001: Foundation Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Perform subsurface investigations for foundations using different methods.
CO2 Estimate the bearing capacity of shallow foundations.
CO3 Calculate immediate and primary consolidation settlement of shallow foundations
CO4 Decide the capacity of a pile and pile group.
CO5 Understand the steps in geotechnical design of shallow foundations and well foundations.
CO6 Analyze problems related to expansive soil and overcome them using design principles,
construction techniques in black cotton soil.
  401003 f Elective III: Operation Research
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Correlate applications of Operations Research in Civil Engineering field
CO2 Solve the problems related to stochastic programming
CO3 Optimize transportation and assignment problems
CO4 Optimize linear problems
CO5 Optimize non-linear problems
CO6 Suggest solution for the problems related to dynamic models, games theory and replacement of
401002: Transportation Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand principles and practices of transportation planning.
CO2 Demonstrate knowledge of traffic studies, analysis and their interpretation
CO3 Design Geometric Elements of road pavement.
CO4 Evaluate properties of highway materials as a part of road pavement
CO5 Appraise different types of pavements and their design.
CO6 Understand the fundamentals of Bridge Engineering and Railway Engineering
  401 004 d Elective IV: Airport and Bridge Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the fundamental of airport.
CO2 Understand and design the runway and taxiway and drainage systems
CO3 Understand the BIM, AR and VR in airport planning and pavement design
CO4 Plan the lighting and marking of airport and heliport
CO5 Estimate various components of bridge and loads on bridges
CO6 Study and design of bridge structures.
  401 005: Project Stage I
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Appraise the current Civil Engineering research/techniques/developments/interdisciplinary areas
CO2 Review and organize literature survey utilizing technical resources, journals etc.
CO3 Evaluate and draw conclusions related to technical content studied.
CO4 Demonstrate the ability to perform critical writing by preparing a technical report
CO5 Develop technical writing and presentation skills
  401 009: Computer Programming in Civil Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand basics of Python Programming
CO2 rite Python codes for variety of problems in civil Engineering
BE Sem-II   401011: Dams and Hydraulics Structures
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand types of dams and instrumentation working
CO2 Execute stability analysis of Gravity Dam
CO3 Understand types of spillways & Design of Ogee spillway
CO4 Illustrate the failures and analyze stability of earthen dam
CO5 Design Canals and understand the canal structures
CO6 Analysis of the Diversion headwork and Cross Drainage work
  401012: Quantity Surveying, Contracts and Tenders
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand concept of estimates and prepare approximate estimate for various for Civil Engineering works.
CO2 Describe tendering process, construction contracts, and aspects of Arbitration and prepare tender
CO3 Prepare detailed estimate of various items of work by different methods and calculate quantity of steel from Bar bending schedule.
CO4 Apply engineering knowledge to prepare estimate for roads, culverts, and water tank (Elevated
storage tank)
CO5 Apply concepts of specification to draft brief specification, detailed specification and prepare
detailed rate analysis report
CO6 Evaluate depreciation and valuation of property on the basis of present condition, specifications
and market trend
401013 e Elective V: Hydropower Engineering
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Understand the classification of power resources & trends in energy use patterns.
CO2 Identify the components of hydro power plant.
CO3 Analyze the load assessment for turbines.
CO4 Prepare the layout of power house based on the various structures need for it.
CO5 Design the turbines and surge tanks.
CO6 Understand the laws and regulatory aspects of hydroelectric power
  401014 e: Elective VI: Green Structures and Smart Cities
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Students should be able to describe the importance of energy and minimization by altering the
building materials.
CO2 Students should be able to understand the importance green construction and green rating system
CO3 Students should be able to introduce the applications of energy conservation and efficiency practices in buildings
CO4 Students should be able to understand phases and approval involved in smart city project
CO5 Students should be able to assess the national and global experience of smart cities
CO6 Students should be able to understand the importance of sustainable development and current
protocol of sustainable development goals
  401019Audit Course II a: Social Responsibility
Co. No. Course Outcomes
CO1 Develop understanding of social responsibility
CO2 Learn the International framework for Social Responsibility
CO3 Know the drivers of social responsibility in India
CO4 Identify the key stakeholders of social responsibility