
Name of the research project/ endowment Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Department of Principal Investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned in Lacs Name of the Funding Agency Type  (Government/non-Government)
Visiting Professor Program at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Dr. Dipak Pandurang Patil Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering 2022-23 1.2461 Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Non-Government
ISRO UoP Joint Research Program Title of the research proposal : Development of Nano material Smart Coating for Anti Reflection and Thermal Control of Space Structures Mr. Kunal Uday Shinde,
Co-Investigators :
Dr. Rosilda Selvin
Dr. M. D. Pasarkar
Department of Mechanical Engineering 2021-22 10.0407 ISRO UoP Joint Research Program Government
AICTE Sponsored One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Data Analytics with Python” Prof. Sushant J. Pawar Department of
Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering
2020-21 2.35867 AICTE Government
GIZ NIMA [ Indo German collaboration with Nashik Industries Manufacturers Association] Dr. Kishor Bhadane Electrical Engineering Department 2019-20 4.5288 GIZ Non-Government
AICTE Sponsored 7 Days FDP on Student Induction Dr. Gajanan Shelke Department of Mechanical Engineering 2018-19 2.27692 AICTE Government
ISRO UOP Joint Research Program Title of the research proposal : Development of Nano material Smart Coating for Anti Reflection and Thermal Control of Space Structures Mr. Kunal Uday Shinde,
Co-Investigators :
Dr. Rosilda Selvin
Dr. M. D. Pasarkar
Department of Mechanical Engineering 2018-19 5 ISRO UOP Joint Research Program Government